It was dinner time in Cameron land... well, after dinner time to be exact, and I asked Olivia what else she would like, since she was done her plate. Here is how the conversation went:
Me "So, what else would you like?"
Olivia "Applesauce!"
Me "Oh, sorry Sweetie, there is no applesauce left"
Olivia "Yes, Applesauce. Olivia bought some" and she runs off to the pantry, and comes back with a wooden carrot
Me "Oh Olivia, that is a carrot"
Olivia "No. Applesauce!"
Me "No Sweetie, that is a Carrot"
Olivia, in a matter-of-fact tone "No, Applesauce."
That's all for now,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Conversations with a Two Year Old
Conversations with...,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Funny Kijiji Post #1: dinky's

I can't resist to sharing this one. This was a Kijiji ad, posted a few weeks ago on the Halifax Kijiji Site. There is not much to say, other than the Title was "dinky's", the asking price $40 and it currently has 42 views! Below is the actual text of the post.
Please note: I did not change any of the spelling, punctuation or spacing. I wish they posted a picture as well, but unfortunatly I had to find my own. Enjoy!
i have a sobey 's bag full of dinky 's that i want to get rid of there is quite a bit there so ill go from 30,35,40
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sour Cream Pancakes Recipe
Prep time: Around 10 minutes Cook Time: Around 10-15 minutes
This recipe for sour cream pancakes came from my sister, but I took it and modified it a little to suit my needs. They are great pancake that everyone has seemed to enjoy. I suppose if you are a fan of buttermilk pancakes, this recipe will be right up your alley. Super simple to make, and if there are any leftovers, the toast up well the next day, or make a double batch to ensure that there will be leftovers. Here are the constituents that you will need:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 heaping tsp of baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp sugar
couple of pinches of salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup sour cream
1 2/3 cups of milk
A generous splash of vanilla
In a large bowl, whisk all of the dry ingredients together. In another bowl, whisk the eggs then add the rest of the wet ingredients to that bowl. Finally, pour the wet ingredients in with the dry ingredients and whisk together. Cook in a frying pan with some oil or butter over medium heat, flipping when there are bubbles forming on the uncooked side.
-I like to have mine with some butter and real maple syrup (I say real, because the fake stuff just, well, tastes fake to me. Call me a snob, call me what you will, but that is what I think)
-Sylvia likes to have hers with just butter
-Add some chocolate chips into the batter for extra sweet
-Add some raspberries or bananas or shredded apples or whatever fruit you like to the batter, or on top
-Spread some Nutella on them
That's all for now,
-d (apparently needs proof reader. Meh, I'm not an English major)
Linking up with Skip To My Lou & Funky Polkadot Giraffe & Paisley Passions & Bassgiraffe's Thoughts & It's a Hodgepodge Life & Moms Crazy Cooking & Extreme Personal Measures & What's Cooking Thursday
This recipe for sour cream pancakes came from my sister, but I took it and modified it a little to suit my needs. They are great pancake that everyone has seemed to enjoy. I suppose if you are a fan of buttermilk pancakes, this recipe will be right up your alley. Super simple to make, and if there are any leftovers, the toast up well the next day, or make a double batch to ensure that there will be leftovers. Here are the constituents that you will need:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 heaping tsp of baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp sugar
couple of pinches of salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup sour cream
1 2/3 cups of milk
A generous splash of vanilla
In a large bowl, whisk all of the dry ingredients together. In another bowl, whisk the eggs then add the rest of the wet ingredients to that bowl. Finally, pour the wet ingredients in with the dry ingredients and whisk together. Cook in a frying pan with some oil or butter over medium heat, flipping when there are bubbles forming on the uncooked side.
(c) Chez Lisa: Quest for Favourites. Thanks :-)
-I like to have mine with some butter and real maple syrup (I say real, because the fake stuff just, well, tastes fake to me. Call me a snob, call me what you will, but that is what I think)
-Sylvia likes to have hers with just butter
-Add some chocolate chips into the batter for extra sweet
-Add some raspberries or bananas or shredded apples or whatever fruit you like to the batter, or on top
-Spread some Nutella on them
That's all for now,
-d (apparently needs proof reader. Meh, I'm not an English major)
Linking up with Skip To My Lou & Funky Polkadot Giraffe & Paisley Passions & Bassgiraffe's Thoughts & It's a Hodgepodge Life & Moms Crazy Cooking & Extreme Personal Measures & What's Cooking Thursday
THANK YOU to our Visitor from Dübendorf, Zuerich, Switzerland

Thanks so much for always checking in with us! :-)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Talking with a Two Year Old
I am stealing this title from our friends at becuase I thought it was just way too fun. Here is a short conversations I had with Olivia, while I was driving in the car, listening to the radio:
Olivia: "Daddy. Is that Megadeth?"
Me: "No Sweetie, it is U2."
Olivia:"Is that Metagallica?" (Metallica)
Me: "No Sweetie, it is U2."
Olivia: "No, its Megadeth"
Me: "No Sweetie, the band's name is U2."
Olivia: "That's Silly"
All for now,
Olivia: "Daddy. Is that Megadeth?"
Me: "No Sweetie, it is U2."
Olivia:"Is that Metagallica?" (Metallica)
Me: "No Sweetie, it is U2."
Olivia: "No, its Megadeth"
Me: "No Sweetie, the band's name is U2."
Olivia: "That's Silly"
All for now,
Conversations with...,
Friday, February 18, 2011
Kijiji - Daily Deals

The ones of you that know me (well, I guess that would be all of you :-)), also know that I am an adamant Kijiji user. A month or so ago, I finally caught on to " Kijiji Daily Deals", where you can save up to 75% on deals in your city.
Check out Kijiji in your area (select the correct city, once on the site) and click on the very last tab that says "Daily Deals - Save up to 75%".
Once on the "Daily Deals" site, it reveals the deal of the day, how many of them have already been purchased and if it's unlocked. Every time there is a new deal, a certain number of people have to purchase it, before it gets unlocked. Once a Daily Deal is purchased, an e-mail is sent with a printable coupon of what was purchased.
Some Features:
*Share the Daily Deal with your friends & family etc. through Facebook, Twitter and e-mail
*Counts Down the time left to purchase the deal
*Notes the value of the deal & how much you save on it (always nice to know!)
*Buy any deal as a gift for someone else (neat idea)
*"Past Deals" tab, to see previous deals in your city
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
ING Direct - Save Your Money

I'm really all for making easy, guaranteed money - I mean, who isn't? Well, my good friend introduced me to ING Direct and had to bait me for quite some time to sign up, I admit. This was only though, because I wanted to do my own research on it, to make sure that there are no hidden fees or anything. I have finished my research and I'm so happy to say that I signed up with ING Direct a month or so ago and am already $75 richer for doing...well, nothing but let a couple of other people know about ING.
Also know, that at any time, you can just cancel your account with them if you are unhappy or change your mind, but the money that you've made while you were with them, is still yours!
So - ready to make some FREE money? Here's how! All you have to do is sign up with ING Direct and have a minimum of $100 in your account. You do have to send in a cheque from one of your existing chequing accounts to verify who you are and put the money in (after that you can transfer the money between accounts) and you need a Social Insurance Number. Once your cheque has cleared and your $100 is in your account, you receive your "Orange Key". This "Orange Key" you need to give to your friends and family to sign up for their accounts, in order to score you $25 AND them $25. As I said, FREE MONEY and simple as that. Furthermore, after getting 10 people to sign up with ING, you receive a $50 bonus. You can refer people until you've made a slammin' $2000 off ING - then it stops...but hey, $2000 for just getting your friends and family to sign up, isn't bad now, is it?
Anyway, just in case anyone out there is reading this and would like to sign up, I'd love to offer my orange key, if you don't have someone else's to get started with. This would make each of us $25 - just comment on this post! Thanks. :-)
Awesome Deals,
ING Direct
Monday, February 14, 2011
Nestle Baby Program - Canada

If you are expecting or have a baby already, you can sign up for the Nestle Baby Program. I find the registration to be fairly quick and simple and the reward for it is pretty awesome! It can take as little as one week but also up to a couple of months for your Freebie to arrive.
You should receive a convenient Over-the-Shoulder Diaper Bag with Change Mat and a sample of Nestle GoodStart Formula, a NUK BPA-free bottle with silicone nipple as well as a Subscription to the Nestle Baby Digest. (These Freebies have been the same for quite a while now but can change at any time). A few months later, you should receive a sample of Nestle Rice Cereal and coupons.
-->Fill in the required fields
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Furni-dents Follow-up
Some (like maybe 5 of you) may remember my very first post that I wrote, about ironing the carpet, found here, which removes the appropriately named "Furni-dents." Well, this weekend, we decided to move around the couch and stuff to see if we can open the room up any. As though who have visited our house know, our living room is the mecca of all things happening in our house. We have the TV, toys, couch, chair and a plethora of other stuff, so the challenge of opening up our little room seemed a pipe dream. Anyway, as you can see where this story is going, we were left with the undesirable furni-dents.
I used the trick of ironing out the carpet, and once again, received some fabulous results.
I used the trick of ironing out the carpet, and once again, received some fabulous results.
Above is a before picture. Nasty dents in the carpet.
Above is the after shot. The discolouration seen in the picture is from a little moisture that was left over after the steaming, which of course, goes away once the carpet fully dries.
Once again, a word of caution to be careful, as it is easy to melt your carpet if the iron actually touches the carpet.
Household chores,
Friday, February 11, 2011
FREE Mini Box of Kleenex (Share Package)

If you'd like to order a Sample from Kleenex, you can do so for absolutely FREE. I especially like this freebie, as it's an International one (see the list for participating countries). I have ordered a few of these because they come in so handy to either have in the stroller, purse, diaper bag or anywhere else you don't have a lot of room. You can order your free Kleenex Sample at the following URL, following the steps below:
Step 2: Click on "Send a free Share Package"
Step 3: Click on "Send a Pack"
Step 4: Put the Sender's info in, as well as the Receiver's info.
Of course you can also send packs to yourself or within your family. Enjoy. :-)
International Sample
Thursday, February 10, 2011
FREE Pampers Gifts to Grow Codes
Like many of you moms (or dads) out there, I also collect Pampers Gifts to Grow Points. Of course I try to get every last point I can get, so I sometimes search for Gifts to Grow Codes online. Below is a list of codes that I successfully entered today, February 10 2011 and I will try to keep them up to date. If you try enter any of these and they don't work, I'd appreciate it if you could send me a quick message to let me know. Thanks. :-)
If you have not joined Pampers Gifts to Grow - do so - it's totally worth it!! Even if it's just for the Bonus points. The shipping for any of the rewards (except for the Shutterfly items, I believe) is included, so these rewards are truly free! If you have not joined, but would like to, this is the website you can do so, if you live in Canada:
Here are the codes that are valid as of today:
(If you enter just these, it'll give you a total of 112 points, which are
already enough to enter sweepstakes with...or you can keep collecting)
CONGRATS2NEWMOM (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
GTGWELCOME10PTS (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
NEWWIPESPACKAGE (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
10PTSFREECODE4U (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PUNTOSPARAMI123 (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PAMPERSGTG10PTS (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
VMF776C7HMXXT4A (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PAMPERS4MOMJFM1 (worked Feb 10 2011 - 42 points)
CONGRATS2NEWMOM (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
GTGWELCOME10PTS (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
NEWWIPESPACKAGE (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
10PTSFREECODE4U (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PUNTOSPARAMI123 (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PAMPERSGTG10PTS (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
VMF776C7HMXXT4A (worked Feb 10 2011 - 10 points)
PAMPERS4MOMJFM1 (worked Feb 10 2011 - 42 points)
NC3XPM9YRD49EMT (Feb 22 2011 - 10 points)
SEP3PGW7NRKYWXK (Feb 27 2011 - 10 points)
500000PAMPERS10 (March 3 2011 - 10 points)
GTGREWARDS4MOMS (NEW April 5 2011 - 10 points)
WELCOMEGTGPTS10 (NEW April 6 2011 - 10 points)
HAPPYBDAYPAMPRS (NEW April 14 2011 - 50 points)
VMF776C7HMEXT4P (NEW May 10 - 10 points, believe expiry is May 31 2011)
4XGHB4HPE7PB7NK (NEW June 1st 2011 - 10 points)
T7KPT9DFNNW9773 (NEW June 13 2011 - 100 points!!)
GTGCOUPONPOINTS (NEW June 13 2011 - 10 points)
WELLCABABYEMAIL (NEW June 28 2011 - 10 points, expires July 6 2011)
GTGREWARDS4MOMS (NEW July 5 2011 - 10 points, expires September 30 2011)
JCGFWP6C7964N7H (Acquisition incentive - 100 points)
2BEGINEARNING10 (NEW August 26 2011 - 10 points)
FAC911PTXD36Y6J (NEW Sept. 8 2011 - 10 points)
CABRANDSVRNOV11 (NEW Nov 2011 - 10 points)
FAC1111PYWFNXRD NEW Nov 6 2011 - 10 points)
HOLIDAYGIFT2011 (NEW Nov 16 2011 - 5 points)
FAC1211PPXHKHND (NEW Dec 30 2011 - 10 points)
FB2012NYAFJRYCN (NEW Dec 30 2011 - 10 points)
WELLCABABYEMAIL (NEW June 28 2011 - 10 points, expires July 6 2011)
GTGREWARDS4MOMS (NEW July 5 2011 - 10 points, expires September 30 2011)
JCGFWP6C7964N7H (Acquisition incentive - 100 points)
2BEGINEARNING10 (NEW August 26 2011 - 10 points)
FAC911PTXD36Y6J (NEW Sept. 8 2011 - 10 points)
CABRANDSVRNOV11 (NEW Nov 2011 - 10 points)
FAC1111PYWFNXRD NEW Nov 6 2011 - 10 points)
HOLIDAYGIFT2011 (NEW Nov 16 2011 - 5 points)
FAC1211PPXHKHND (NEW Dec 30 2011 - 10 points)
FB2012NYAFJRYCN (NEW Dec 30 2011 - 10 points)
Gifts to Grow,
Pampers Promotional Codes
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Please Mum: Buy One, Get One 50% off Entire Store & Green Backs (limited time only)

Please Mum currently also offers "Green Backs" for bringing in your gently used children's clothing. "Green Backs" are credits that can be redeemed as cash towards an in-store purchase. However, at this time, you can double your "Green Backs" if you drop off gently used Short Sleeve Tees, Tanks & Shirts, Shorts, Skirts, Capris, Jumpers & Sun Dresses.
Please Note: Green Backs can be redeemed right away or within 30 days after you receive them. They can be used towards the purchase of any item in-stores, except gift cards. The total amount redeemed cannot exceed 50% of the entire transaction (after tax).
The following items are not accepted: clothing with stains/holes/rips/lots of pilling, undergarments, swimwear, winter outerwear, sleepwear or accessories (footwear included).
Here is a quick Chart in CDN $:
1 Green Back =0.50 Cash Value
2 Green Backs =1.00 Cash Value
5 Green Backs =2.50 Cash Value
10 Green Backs =5.00 Cash Value
This is how many "Green Backs" you currently get:
Short Sleeve Tees, Tanks & Shirts =2 Green Backs (=$1)
Shorts, Skirts, Capris, Jumpers & Sun Dresses =4 Green Backs (=$2)
Green Backs,
Please Mum,
New Member
Helpfuldaddy would like to intruduce our newest blogger, Sweetie1313, or otherwise known as Sylvia, the mother of my beautiful children. Sylvia will add deals and various other things to the blog (I think).
...Oh, the future looks wild and crazy now. :o)
PS, I think I might add a new recipe soon. I know that I am a sloth, but I will post something tastey on the weekend
...Oh, the future looks wild and crazy now. :o)
PS, I think I might add a new recipe soon. I know that I am a sloth, but I will post something tastey on the weekend
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